Archive for August 1st, 2007|Daily archive page

The Mahdee and the signs of the (Last) Hour

Question: Who is the Mahdee, and what are the signs of the (Last) Hour? Continue reading

The (Last) Hour shall not be established until “Allaah! Allaah!” shall cease to be said upon the earth

Question: What does this hadeeth mean: «The (Last) Hour shall not be established until “Allaah! Allaah!” shall cease to be said upon the earth»?

Response: The (Last) Hour shall not be established except upon the worst of creation, and the kuffaar. As for the mu.minoon, then their souls shall be taken before then.

Shaykh Saalih Ibn Fowzaan

al-Muntaqaa min Fataawa Fadheelatush-Shaykh Saalih Ibn Fowzaan – Volume 2, Page 99, Fatwa No.83

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How the people will come forth out of their graves on the Day of Resurrection

Question: How shall the people come out of their graves on the Day of Resurrection? And who will be the first to be dressed? Continue reading

Signs of the Last Hour

Question: I kindly request you explain the signs of the (Last) Hour, and how to protect and beware of them, and what should one do if they encounter the likes of these fitan? Continue reading

The Last Hour will come to pass when only evil people will be left on Earth

Question: We often hear that the Last Hour will not come to pass until Islaam prevails on Earth. But we also hear that it will come to pass when there is no one who says «Laa ilaaha il-Allaah» (There is none (truly) worthy of worship except Allaah (alone». How can we reconcile between the two statements? Continue reading

Most reliable book discussing the signs of the Last Hour

Question: What is the most reliable book which discusses the signs of the (Last) Hour and the trials and tribulations? Continue reading

The appearance of the Mahdee

Question: What is your opinion about the appearance of the promised person, al-Mahdee? Are there any ahaadeeth to verify this?I request clarification regarding this (matter)? Continue reading

The authenticity and existence of the Mahdee

Question: I request you provide me with a fatwa as to the authenticity and existence of the Mahdee about whom it is said he is on the Earth. And are there any authentic ahaadeeth which mention him? May Allaah reward you. Continue reading

The Dajjaal shall be prevented from entering Makkah and Madeenah

Question: Are there any places which the Dajjaal will be unable to enter? Continue reading

The Dajjaal will only appear to the living

Question: Will the Dajjaal appear to all of creation, meaning: will the dead be resurrected a second time, or will his appearance be to the living when he appears? Continue reading